VOD Pro OTT AI Database

Subscribe and stay up to date with over 200 AI and ML companies and solutions used by broadcasters, content owners, content producers, film studios, operators, streamers and industry vendors.

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AI is changing the world – and the OTT industry with it

From content production on one side of the glass-to-glass process through to engaging users, delivering ads and reducing churn on the other, organisations across the OTT ecosystem are increasingly using artificial intelligence and machine learning to make demonstrable gains in all areas of their operations.

Keeping tabs, however, on all the new solutions is labour and time-intensive.

No problem. We’ve got your back.

Meet our OTT AI Database

We’re tracking – and continuously adding information about – hundreds of AI companies, platforms and solutions that have some application to OTT businesses and their on-demand products, operations and technologies. We classify them using 45 unique variables including:

Business Depts

Which areas of your business (e.g. Advertising, Operations etc.) would most likely benefit from using the solution?

OTT Functions

What glass-to-glass functions does the solution achieve (e.g. analytics, content recommendation, scheduling, UI/UX customisation)?

Content Production

How does the solution help with creating content (e.g. text-to-video, dubbing, metadata, quality assurance)?

Enterprise Solutions

Comprehensive systems designed to address the needs and processes of large organisations

Specialist Apps

That focus on doing one or more jobs quickly and efficiently


Models, LLMs, SLMs, transformers, chatbots, disruptors, incumbents.

Reports, Briefings, Videos

Together with the AIDB, and leveraging our relationships with broadcasters, streamers and vendors all over the world, we’re writing a series of reports and briefings that detail best practices and methodologies as well as real-world implementations and integrations.

And as the language of AI continues to evolve, our video walkthroughs offer visual and easy-to-understand guides: demystifying technical jargon, providing clear examples and making complex topics accessible to beginners and professionals alike.

Want to learn more about the AIDB? Drop us a line.