OTT Question Time Online returned on 29 August and in the first episode of Season 5 we debated whether, with streamers increasingly adopting broadcaster characteristics, the old broadcast model was right all along.

Together with Liz Bales, CEO of BASE (the British Association for Screen Entertainment), Gulliver Smithers, formerly of Sony Pictures, the BBC, BBC Studios and ITV, and Agathe Renard, Senior Director, Distribution, Ecosystems and Strategic Research at Bedrock Streaming, we discussed:

  • What made the TV model (Broadcast 1.0) so successful
  • The growth of streamer ad tiers and the rumour that Netflix is considering introducing ad-only viewing
  • Amazon, Disney and Netflix’s investment in live content
  • Content distribution and the breaking down of walled gardens
  • And weekly episode drops and SVOD loyalty

OTT Question Time Online is sponsored by Bedrock Streaming. Watch the full episode below!



Kauser Kanji has been working in online video for 19 years, formerly at Virgin Media, ITN and NBC Universal, and founded VOD Professional in 2011. He has since completed major OTT projects for, amongst others, A+E Networks, the BBC, BBC Studios, Channel 4, DR (Denmark), Liberty Global, Netflix, Sony Pictures, the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation and UKTV. He now writes industry analyses, hosts an online debate show, OTT Question Time, as well as its in-person sister event, OTT Question Time Live

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